Abrahamic Family House Vienna
Dania Hanoi
Friends from all over the world, thank you for Paris, Tel Aviv, Zurich, Tokyo, Prague ... etc, but we don't need more work. We believe in music! Kisses! Life! Champagne and friends! We are a family!
Vienna is about life!
Everyday I see people going by. Everyone is in so much hurry that they don’t seem to notice too much around them. Yeah, there’s sport, cars, shoes or clothes but not much else. We are in a continuous struggle to beat the clock. And it’s fuuny because sometimes we succeed, but with what costs?And here we are...the Manager and the book-keeper. We have time for document or for documentation.
#discipline #diplomacy #direction #estimate of documents
#etiquette of law #foundation of leader
Dania Hanoi&Comp
Austria Lukas Brand
Our new book
Die Kanzlei Prag- 08.2023
Office Chores
Do you sell stamps? Where can I buy post cards? Could I get a receipt, please?Colud I get a invoice, please? Do you have for me a balance sheet?
Maybe halfyearly or bilingual? You are among friends.
We help you!With all!
Our project
Die Kanzlei Prag - The Book and Film- Abraham Family - Prague 2022
And the Churchs " Interligiőses Haus im Wűstensand" 2019-2021 in Emirat Abu Dhabi ( muslime, catholic and jewish Church together)
Capture our next project
Abrahamic Family House Vienna - the Cube
Gaspar Loredana- Home Office and telephone number - I working everywhere!
+43 664 1280502